Winston Marsh
Renowned Marketer & Motivator
Winston Marsh is a wizard at creating and communicating simple ideas that achieve stunning results for businesses worldwide.
With over thirty years experience in the management, marketing and motivation of people in business and the business in people, Winston Marsh stimulates, inspires and activates ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results.
Winston Marsh’s appeal is simple, he knows what works and how to communicate it. You don’t get corporate double speak, complicated formulas or meaningless jargon. What you get is practical solutions expressed in a powerful and entertaining way.
Before starting his speaking career, Winston Marsh was a senior marketing executive with Potter Partners, Statewide Building Society and Manchester Unity Friendly Society where he initiated leading edge marketing strategies to build profitable business.
The inaugural recipient of the Golden Mike Award, Winston Marsh has also been honoured with the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, the highest bestowed by the National Speakers Association of Australia in recognition of his professionalism and ranking as a business speaker.
Speaking on business, marketing, motivation, sales, leadership and teambuilding, Winston Marsh’s topics include The Secrets of Building Lifetime Relationships, Turning Managers into Leaders, 7 Strategies for Sensational Staff and Salespower!
A renowned marketer and motivator, Winston’s easy-to-listen to style and laughter laden delivery will give your audience the confidence, enthusiasm and commitment to put their ideas into action.