Vegas Opera Dudes

Opera/Caberet done Vegas style
Opera goes Vegas! From Pavarotti to Tom Jones. From Mozart to Tony Bennett.
Big numbers, big voices coupled with sequined gold jackets makes this show an absolute hit! Opera-tainment at its very finest!
Now one of the world’s most popular corporate acts, the success of The Three Waiters is due not only to its unique concept, but the energetic presentation of some of “opera’s greatest hits” performed in a user friendly manner that is both sophisticated and entertaining.
These special ingredients have been adopted by the Vegas Opera Dudes. This exciting new show is thoroughly entertaining as three dynamic male performers show off their vocal dynamics performing everything from Puccini to Pavarotti and Mozart to Tony Bennett. It’s pure “Operatainment”!
From small dinner parties through to huge extravaganzas, as with The Three Waiters, the Vegas Opera Dudes have been designed to suit a wide range of events and audience demographics.
Australia’s latest “operatainment” sensation, The Vegas Opera Dudes are funky, jazzy and ideal for all occasions