Travis Bell

Motivational Speaker
As a self-appointed ‘Bucket Listologist‘, Travis helps people live their Bucket List before it’s too late! His unique life-engagement message really wakes you up, stops ground-hog days and helps you to experience more fulfilment.
He says, “A Bucket List is a tangible Life Plan…where our Business Plan or Career Plan should fit into our Life Plan & not be the other way around.”
No one practices what they preach more than Travis. His ‘crazy’ globetrotting adventures are contagious, hilarious and always fresh. He is the author of the best-selling book, the MY BUCKETLIST BLUEPRINT, a TEDx Thought Leader, a Certified Speaking Professional and is also the Founder CEO of Bucket List Coaches who are now on a mission to help 10 million BucketListers #tickitB4Ukickit.
Before Travis became ‘The Bucket List Guy’, he founded and franchised a chain of personal training studios across Australia. Starting with one client, he and his team went on to do over 2 million personal training sessions and motivated 10’s of 1000’s of clients.
This is why Trav is now regarded as one of the world’s most in-demand motivation speakers.
Travis Bell Speaks About
Build Your Bucket List
This is Travis’ signature Keynote
In this Keynote you’ll learn about:
- Why traditional Bucket Lists are BS!
- The Life Grid™ & how it really wakes people up
- How to create a Reverse Bucket List
- The M.Y.B.U.C.K.E.T.L.I.S.T. Blueprint™
- How these principles are an antidote to mental health
The audience will leave with:
- A completely new way of looking at their life
- An overwhelming sense of purpose and meaning
- A renewed sense of fulfillment and gratitude
- A personalized and actionable Bucket List Life Plan™ Increased engagement through a tangible ‘WHY’
- A framework that they can use with their team & family
A possible misconception is that if Travis gets up there & talks about Bucket Lists to a corporate group that everyone will quit afterwards. It’s quite the opposite. It creates even more cohesiveness with the team and more engagement. Not to mention the mental health benefits too. Life is way too short!
Action Your Bucket List
This Keynote normally follows Travis’ Build Your Bucket List Keynote.
With that said, Travis can do a combo of the two if there is enough time.
In the 1st one, he will give you the framework. In the 2nd, he will help you take action!
In this Keynote, you will:
- Do a quick recap of the Build Your Bucket List Keynote
- Share the lists you’ve built
- Reverse engineer your personal Life Plan
- Establish Bucket List Buddies
- Take massive ACTION in the room!
The audience will leave with:
- A sense that anything is truly possible
- A formula for overcoming initial inertia
- An actioned Bucket List that is in motion
- An ecosystem of support & accountability