Suresh Rajan

Finance & Economics Commentator
Suresh Rajan is one of Perth’s best known accountants and financial planners through his appearances as finance and economics commentator on Channel 7, Channel 9, Channel 10, ABC TV, Radio 6PR and Radio 6AR.
Suresh, almost single-handedly, has managed to turn around the perception that economists are boring.
In addition to his regular guest appearances on local radio Suresh has also appeared as economics commentator for Channel 7’s Today Tonight program.
Suresh has a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Western Australia and a Masters of Business Administration Degree, also from University of W.A. He has a certificate in Superannuation Management from Acquire University in NSW.
He has tutored and lectured at the University of Western Australia as part of their MBA programme. Subjects include Strategic Management, Small Business Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Management of Organisations and Administrative Policy. Suresh has also lectured at Murdoch University in International Management and Small Business Management.
Suresh is a partner in the firm SMCR Financial Planners. Prior to setting up this firm in 1991 Suresh was employed by one of Perth’s largest investment advisory firms.
Suresh commenced his career with the Australian Taxation Office in Perth and over a period of 7 years managed various sections of the Taxation Office, in both Perth and Canberra, controlling a staff of up to 95 people. During this period he was responsible for the development of policy for the Federal Government in regard to taxation issues, and the conduct, before the Boards of Review and Supreme Courts, of cases that involved disputes between taxpayers and the Australian Taxation Office.
Suresh is a member of a number of associations and professional bodies including: The Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants; Australian Institute of Management; Securities Institute of Australia; and the Financial Planning Association of Australia.
In 2001 he was elected President of the Ethnic Communities Council of W.A. (ECCWA), and is also on the judging panel for the Premier’s Day Awards for Public Sector Excellence, and the Ministers’ Multicultural Ambassador’s Awards unveiled on Harmony Day 2002.
Suresh is meticulous in his research, and is an entertaining, articulate, informative and incisive speaker on current economic issues. He can tailor his presentation to suit your specific requirements.
Suresh Rajan talks about:
- Australia’s Place in the Economic World
- Globalisations Impact on Australia
- The State of the Economy
- Negative Gearing and Taxation Implications
- Financial Planning and Salary Packaging
- The Role of Superannuation and Funding Your Own Requirements