Sue Tindal

Executive Director of Bankwest, keynote speaker
As Executive Director of Bankwest, the biggest bank in Western Australia, Sue Tindal is one of the most senior women in banking, not only in WA, but in Australia.
Sue joined the Commonwealth Bank in 2007 before moving to Perth and joining Bankwest in 2012 as Chief Executive, Strategy & Reputation. Bankwest was purchased by the Commonwealth Bank in 2012 and Sue was instrumental in the acquisition/transition. She took up her current role of Executive Director in February 2013 and is the public face of Bankwest with key stakeholders including the Government of Western Australia and other Federal Regulators.
Sue Tindal has a wealth of international experience in the financial services, energy and IT sectors having held numerous senior or Chief Executive roles in New Zealand, Australia, Asia and the USA during the last 20 years.
While Sue has had a stellar career, particularly in banking, it hasn’t all been plain sailing. During her time in Asia as the Chief Operating Officer of another major Australian bank, with responsibilities in several geographies, she was the subject of a kidnap threat and police recommended she leave the country for her own safety.
Upon her return to Australia in 2007, Sue was the State General Manager Corporate Banking for CBA in New South Wales and Victoria with direct responsibility for 4,000 customers and 200-plus staff. In September 2011, Sue accepted the role of Executive Vice President, Global Trade and Transactional Banking and led the expansion of CBA’s capabilities across Asia and into Europe.
Sue Tindal started her career as a young bank teller in NZ and raised a child as a single mother while making her way up the banking ladder. She has also had two major battles with breast cancer, the latest as recently as 2012.
Sue is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Director of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, the Bankwest Foundation, Leadership WA and the Western Australian Ballet. She also represents Bankwest as a Councillor on the WA Chapter of Creative Partnerships Australia (formerly AbaF) and is a member of the Force 15 Foundation with Rugby WA.
Sue Tindal talks about:
Women in Leadership – Challenging the myths, how to coach and mentor to encourage others to identify and achieve goals, practical tips for success.
Living and Working in Asia – Navigating multiple cultures and customs, the art of ‘Face’ and practical tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Career & Personal Resilience – Sue will share the twists, turns and tipping points from her journey and how she overcame several significant obstacles along the way
What is Reputational Risk? – A lifetime of achievement can be destroyed in a matter of seconds; the potential for the internet and social media to increase personal and organisational risk.
Work/ Life Balance – Quality versus quantity, learning how to say ‘no’, overcoming the all-too-common feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
Sue is an excellent and highly sought-after speaker who is inspiring, motivating and entertaining. She shares her life’s experiences and her proven expertise on how to achieve success and fulfillment in both your professional and personal life.