Stu Atkins

Technology Expert, Presenter & Trainer
Stu Atkins is an expert on tech trends and digital disruption, social media, online sales and marketing.
An insatiable digital entrepreneur, he has founded an online retailer, an online recruitment firm and Social Seedling – a leading Social Media consultancy. Prior to establishing his own businesses, Stu worked extensively with (REA Group) and News Corp / News Digital Media.
A professional keynote speaker and trainer, Stu has presented to over 40,000 business professionals both in Australia and abroad. His approach is informal, relaxed, highly engaging and entertaining. Renowned for challenging audiences to think outside the square, his philosophy is to always leave each attendee with three key takeaways to improve their online / tech / social awareness immediately.
Stu Atkins talks about:
The pace of change has never been faster. Consumers are becoming more demanding. Immediacy, personalisation, communication and connection are key aspects to driving better business outcomes. Productivity and profitability are under more pressure… As an expert in dissecting tech trends, innovation, disruption and social media opportunities across all industry sectors, Stu enlightens attendees to what the future may hold.
How will you prepare for the next phase of disruption? What tools are on the horizon to make your business more profitable and productive? How can you better engage with your prospective and current audience and what’s your competition doing to stay ahead of the curve? Stu will leave your attendees feeling inspired (perhaps a little concerned) and ready to face any new challenges as we continue to evolve.
Communication as a skill and art form is diminishing in line with the rapid rise of digital communication technical techniques. How we connect, face to face, influences our relationships with everyone who is important to us. Stu refocuses on the key ways to connect, engage, build rapport and motive relationships in a digital age.