Stephanie Bendixsen

Television presenter, gaming expert & MC
Stephanie Bendixsen, also known as Hex, is an Australian video game critic and television presenter – writing and presenting for ABC TV’s Good Game and its companion show for younger gamers, Good Game: Spawn Point alongside Steven O’Donnell since 2010.
With Stephanie Bendixen as co-host, Good Game has grown larger and more influential every year – expanding its presence within the gaming community to public events and live stage shows with Good Game: Live.
Stephanie Bendixen is a popular panel member and judge at events focused on issues such as cyber safety and awareness for young people; opportunities for women in the industry; and the necessity to have strong, compelling female characters in games.
A talented writer, Stephanie co-authored a fictional series for younger readers: Pixel Raiders published by Scholastic Australia with her colleague Steven O’Donnell. She participates in writers’ festivals across the country alongside other video game story-writers and developers, discussing the process of building narrative in games.
Stephanie Bendixen is a popular MC and host of corporate events and award ceremonies. She accepts the term ‘geek’ as a compliment.