Sans Tattoo

Corporate Entertainer & Verbal Judo Expert
Sans Tattoo is not your typical ex-bouncer. Of course like most bouncers, he has managed plenty of trouble, and in the process, he’s been sworn at, spat on… even stabbed.
Unlike many colleagues from this notorious profession, Sans has undertaken serious study. He has a Master of Arts (in Terrorism, Safety and Security) from Charles Sturt University, and his post-graduate qualifications include Mediation from Bond University. He has also worked with corporate executives on five continents to upskill them with conflict resolution strategies.
A leader in his field, Sans has shared the stage with Australian identities that include our 25th Prime Minister John Howard, and Olympic Gold Medallist Lauren Burns. Sans has also presented alongside global leaders, among them Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
A 40 minute Verbal Judo presentation from Sans is guaranteed to thrill, entertain and educate, thanks to his unique delivery of humour, hard facts and practical tools that anyone can apply to reduce conflict and build trust.
More about Sans Tattoo:
Sans Tattoo is the stage name of one of Australia’s most experienced conference speakers. Unlike Corporate Imposters and hoax speakers, Sans is the real deal… You see, ‘Sans’ is French for ‘without’ and he is factually without tattoos. Furthermore, his qualifications and experiences are all bona fide, and include consulting to special forces.
Whether you hire Sans Tattoo or his real life persona, the content of his Verbal Judo remains the same. What’s different about Sans is that he helps conference organisers to add a dash of mystery to their event. By using ‘misinformation’ (similar to the way a magician uses misdirection), the audience is being engaged even before the event begins. As for the actual ‘reveal’, that happens during the first few minutes of the live performance and sets the tone for an experience where audience members laugh as they learn.