Ronnie Burns

MC, Speaker and Entertainer
Ronnie Burns has been at the forefront of the Australian entertainment industry for over forty years. He has hosted numerous television programs and produced many television documentaries.
As a performer, Ronnie is best known for Smiley, the anti-war protest song about Australian Vietnam troops which won him a double Gold Record Award. His other hits include Age of Consent, The Prophet, and Coalman and Exit Stage Right which were written for him by the Bee Gees.
He is the co-founder of the Appin Hall Children’s Foundation, a respite and healing centre designed to assist children to recover from illness and trauma and to help those disadvantaged through destitution and homelessness. He has been awarded the Centenary Medal in recognition of service and support in the community.
In television, Ronnie Burns has hosted numerous shows including Long Play Australia’s first rock ‘n roll quiz show, Young Talent Time, Healthy Wealthy & Wise (1990-94), Strike it Lucky and most recently Prophecy & Prediction – Threat or Warning. Ronnie is the author of two books, The Australian House Book, an illustrated décor work manual, and Prophecy & Prediction – Threat or Warning, a transcript of guest interviews not shown in the TV show.
From 1995 to 2000, Ronnie was part of the highly successful Burns, Cotton and Morris’ band, with Australian rock legends Russell Morris and Darryl Cotton. Later, Ronnie teamed up with Darryl Cotton as Cotton & Burns, presenting musical interludes at conferences, seminars and events.
Ronnie’s television company, The Vision 3000 Partnership, was formed to produce documentaries that focus on assisting the world populace towards a brighter future. The shows cover topics including metaphysics, mythology, the future, earth changes, the environment and survival in the 21st Century.
Married for 30 years, Ronnie lives with his wife in Tasmania where they established the Appin Hall Children’s Foundation.
Ronnie Burns talks about:
Keynote – Combining the experiences of his diverse career with his vision for the future, Ronnie addresses the future of humanity, how best we can create what we desire, free energy, our changing world, positive steps to self-realisation and motivation, and the children of the world and their future.
Musical Interludes – Presenting the legends of Rock ‘n Roll, Ronnie teams up with Darryl Cotton as Burns & Cotton, or with Normie Rowe and Johnny Young as the Kings of Pop. Showcasing their golden hits, ‘the legends’ provide the perfect highlight for your conference or corporate event.
MC/Compere – An experienced MC or compere, Ronnie’s professionalism, skill and natural ease make him ideal for any occasion.