Ron Barr

Founder, Youth Insearch program
In 1984, Ron Barr commenced employment with the Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre as a Youth Development Councellor.
As part of his duties, Ron visited Riverstone High School three days a week to counsel students with behavioural and emotional problems.
The students Ron Barr spoke with, prompted him to establish a program which utilised the experience of young people in situations where one-to-one counselling did not meet Ron’s expectations.
Youth Insearch was conceived in 1985. Over 27,000 young people from all over Australia have since been through the program and found a new, positive direction in their lives.
Youth Insearch has now expanded further and also held projects in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
Many of the positions that Ron Barr has held throughout his life have been associated with the area of personnel. He was the National Training and Development Manager with a large food manufacturing company, and spent eleven years as a Boarding master at Newington College.
In 1995, Ron Barr received the Order of Australia Medal for services to youth. And in 2000, he was honoured by Rotary International by being named a Paul Harris Fellow, the highest honour in Rotary.
Ron Barr has been featured on Australian Story, The 7.30 Report, 60 Minutes and This is Your Life.