Rodney Marks

Corporate Impostor & Comic Hoaxer
His performances are full of doubletalk, gobbledygook, jargon, inflated language and grandiloquent words.
Rodney Marks is Australia’s (mis)leading comedian and his corporate comedy satirises management language, usually in the form of fraudulent keynote speeches at business events including: seminars, meetings, conferences, awards nights and product launches.
He has presented his tailored corporate entertainment all over Australia, and has had more than 30 international tours.
Rodney has been comedian-in-residence at the Macquarie Dictionary, Harvard, UNE, and the AGSM, and visiting professor of comedy at UNSW.
Rodney satirises bureaucracy by impersonating experts of either sex and varied ethnicity and occupation. He has performed for hundreds of corporations, government departments, universities and other organisations in Australia and overseas.
In his hoaxes, Rodney allows tension to rise as he usurps power by making authoritative, vexatious statements. Then, to the relief of the audience, he reveals his true identity. He combines a formidable knowledge of management jargon with a relaxed improvisational style and a warm, persuasive personality.
Rodney has gained master’s degrees in business administration and public administration, the latter from Harvard University. He returned to Harvard as artist-in- residence in 1995 and hoaxed academics, students and experienced managers.