Robyn Pulman

Creating winning habits for work and life
Robyn Pulman has extensive experience in national and international management and marketing and has created a lifestyle on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland that is the envy of many.
Robyn Pulman’s message is clear, concise and irrefutable. Winning is a habit, so is losing – in whatever area of our life we look at – relationships, work, business, health. Daily our habits express our effectiveness or ineffectiveness and make a clear statement about our values and character.
So many of us think that ‘success’ is way out there, beyond our reach. Robyn is able to help us recognise that ‘yard by yard it is hard, inch by inch it is a cinch’.
Her audiences are inspired to create winning habits in their lives and are introduced to the daily steps to make the changes simple and achievable.
Robyn Pulman emphasises the need to do the ordinary in an extraordinary way every single day. In a marketplace filled with speakers who are super achievers and individuals who have overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles, Robyn has carved a niche as a presenter who draws on every day events, relationships, challenges and interactions. She encourages and uplifts, educates and empowers, trains and transforms in a tangible yet tantalising way.
Between the years of 1977 and 1988, Robyn held senior marketing positions with the Ritz, London; Hyatt Hotels Europe, Middle East and Africa and then on to Marriott Hotels, Europe, Middle East and Africa. During that period, she returned to Australia for two years, 1981/2, during which time she worked for Spectator Sports Marketing, Sydney where she handled the sports marketing accounts for both McDonald’s and Coca-Cola.
In 1988, she chose to return permanently to her homeland of Australia to take up a position as Director of Marketing for Mirage Resorts, both here and in the USA. This role required her to direct and co-ordinate the marketing efforts of the hotels, shopping centres, marinas, sports clubs and residential real estate.
Two children and four years later, Robyn and her chef husband, Stephen, moved to Montville on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland where they opened Mirabelle Restaurant, a business they sold after eight years of successful operation.
Robyn Pulman expertly combines her high-level corporate experience with that of small family business in her presentations. Her style is upbeat and fun and valuable lessons are learned through stories, parables, interaction and activities. Robyn ‘walks her talk’ from the moment she makes contact with a new client. You know you are important to her as she thoroughly researches your company’s image, mission, corporate philosophy and specific needs. Her presentation will accurately reflect her research as she presents the winning habits necessary for leadership, personal mastery, superlative customer relationships or a balanced lifestyle. She can also help you find and build a winning team and manage your time more effectively.
If you are looking for style and substance, polish and professionalism, energy and entertainment, wisdom and worldliness, relatability and realism, then invite Robyn to help you create winning habits to achieve your potential.
Robyn Pulman talks about:
Designing your destiny through creating winning habits – This presentation provides the tools and techniques to create the winning habits necessary for your team to take control of their lives, careers and relationships. They will be given the opportunity to understand their personal and professional responsibilities necessary to overcome obstacles, deal with the drudgery, manifest the magical and design their destiny. They will learn how important it is that ‘put their own oxygen mask on first’.
The art of presenting – public speaking and business presentations – This workshop delivers the basic skills and techniques required to make effective presentations. This course is run over two half days to allow attendees opportunities to practice the skills learned.