Robert Holden

Corporate Coach & Author
A highly successful author and broadcaster, Robert Holden coaches leaders worldwide in the field of business, sport, entertainment and healthcare. Presenting workshops, masterclasses, seminars and keynote presentations, Robert offers new models for success, leadership and happiness.
An inspirational and enthusiastic presenter, Robert Holden’s style is innovative, results-orientated and highly entertaining. Compassionate and insightful, Robert teaches people to embrace a more powerful and fulfilling way of being, leaving audiences with an inner smile, self confidence and peace of mind.
Robert Holden’s pioneering work in the field of positive psychology led him to found the first NHS Stress Busters Clinic in Britain in the 1980’s. In the 1990’s he founded The Happiness Project, where his landmark work was the subject of a BBC QED TV documentary titled How to be Happy. The programme went on to be shown to over 30 million viewers in 16 countries.
In the new millennium, Robert Holden founded The Coaching Success Partnership, a leading edge consultancy working with individuals and groups worldwide.
The author of nine books including Achieving Work-Life Balance (2002), Shift Happens (2000), Happiness NOW (1998), and Stress Busters (1991), Robert Holden is an accomplished and highly sought after speaker.
Robert Holden Talks About:
- Coaching Success: Success is a state of mind – so is failure! Clearing the blocks to success.
- Success Intelligence: Vision, purpose and success during change.
- Liberate Talent: Leadership, motivation, and raising the creative capital of the workforce.
- Shift Happens: Creative thinking during times of change.
- Stress Busters: Don’t sweat it!
- Work-Life Balance: How to work, live, succeed and stay sane!
- Great Minds Don’t Think Alike: Creativity, diversity and success for everyone.