Peter Thornhill

Finance Consultant and Keynote Speaker
Peter Thornhill has been in the Financial Services Industry for over 40 years.
Educated in Melbourne, his early years were spent with one of Australia’s leading Insurance Companies. In 1971 he moved to London and joined a London Merchant Bank, as a private client investment adviser.
In 1982 he joined one of the UKs largest Unit Trust Groups and was appointed a Director in 1984.
Since returning to Australia in 1988, Peter has gained considerable respect for his expertise and involvement with some of the country’s most successful managed funds.
Peter is now the principal of Motivated Money Pty Ltd and consults to many of Australia’s leading financial institutions.
His experience and insights into wealth creation through investment and his entertaining delivery make him a highly sought after presenter and a recognized financial commentator in the print and electronic media.He believes the share markets are guided by forces beyond reason. Their ups and downs can be linked to collective human behavior, not a logical continuum of cause and effect. As a successful investor himself, his views have a firm base in the real financial world. His presentations have become legendary for their no-nonsense assault on popular wisdom. He believes that there is no such thing as a market “crash”; why investing for the long term is the surest way to tap the market’s riches; why market volatility is not a measure of risk; and why looking backwards “can damage your wealth.”
He has recently added the title of author having published a book about investing, dedicated to encouraging people to take responsibility for their financial futures. Although self published and thus without regular bookshop distribution, the book has sold more than 40,000 copies; a tribute to the strong appeal of his message.
What Peter Thornhill Speaks About
- Assets-vs-liabilities.
- Understanding stock market indices.
- The importance of income or cash flow.
- The role of the media.
- A brief look at history and the relevance of past stock market corrections.
- A comparison of the performance of cash and shares.
- An illustration of why share prices go up over the long term and the key drivers.
- A discussion of the ‘yield trap’ for cash and shares and why yield should be ignored.
- A comparison of the performance of property and shares.
- Why there are no successful listed residential property trusts.
- The ‘yield trap’ in relation to shares and property.
- A discussion of stockmarket performance and its relevance over the last 100 years plus.
- The role of human perceptions (biases) and ‘herd’ behaviour in investment decision making.