Nic Feteris

Extreme adventurer, motivational speaker, risk manager
Nic Feteris helps corporate teams make big jumps: to the next level, to something new, or just forward.
Nick has already lived a life full of the most mind-blowing experiences – as one of the world’s leading BASE jumpers -and in 2004 National Geographic rated footage of his jump from the 20,600-foot Great Trango Towers in Pakistan as their most ‘amazing moment’ on film.
So, with Nic as the speaker at your next event, you can expect a journey of high excitement and adventure. He can relate to your challenges in a context more extreme than most in your audience will have dreamed of. In short, he prepares your team for its own giant leap forward and helps them to concentrate on the challenge ahead.
Nic speaks about how base-jumpers, mountaineers, sea kayakers and other extreme adventurers think; why they do what they do, what they do to make it responsible, and how anyone can launch into new territory using the same approach.
Whether your audience needs to jump into the record books, or step just outside their personal comfort zone, Nic leaves you with a fresh sense of courage and commitment to succeed.
More about Nic Feteris:
Nic’s credentials include parachuting from great heights: from mountains, the first time before he had heard the term base-jump; from buildings, like the former World Trade Centre in New York; from monuments, like the Statue of Liberty; from the Sydney Harbour Bridge, for a Mission Impossible film; and from balloon flying at 36,600 feet.
Nic’s professional background is advertising and major media, mostly specialising in information technology, where he held positions ranging from Sales Executive to Publisher. In 1990 he established a media agency that today operates an online ad network.
Nic Feteris talks about:
- Risk taking – You manage people who must expose themselves to succeed. Whether they’re salespeople facing rejection to make sales, or investment managers risking losses to make a profit, you need them to unambiguously respect compliance and follow the rules, on the one hand, while pushing limits to reach performance targets on the other.
- Risk management – It works best when it is part of your culture. The problem is, to professional risk takers risk management can get in the way and to everyone else it can be just plain boring. Use Nic to get risk management on the agenda at your annual conference. He’ll make managing risk about performance as much as protection. And he’ll make it exciting.
- Business development – Salespeople go on an emotional expedition every day. They are explorers. In organisations everywhere their capacity for using courage to succeed is an unarticulated secret. Nic tells your people what they always knew about themselves but have never heard expressed before. He leaves them raring for adventure.
- Safety – No organisation can provide a risk-free work environment. Not just because it is a nonsensical concept but also because equipment, processes and training are only tools. Safety is a product of people exercising judgment and doing the right thing. Following the rules does not get anyone off the hook when it comes to making work safe.
- Leadership – How do you make a base jump? The same way you do anything that’s a stretch: muster the courage to stick yourself out there and, when you do, use expertise and judgment to manage your exposure. Nic can tell you how base-jumpers and other extreme adventurers think in ways that helps to muster courage and manage risk.