Milo Wilkinson

Behavioural Scientist

Milo Wilkinson is an international award winning Behavioural Scientist who specialises in analysing human behaviour in order to predict likely outcomes.

As a Behavioural Scientist, criminal profiler, high-performance sporting, and corporate coach and mindfulness advocate, Milo has studied CEOs, top athletes, psychopaths, criminals, sales agents, change managers and everyone in between. She has seven degrees in the areas of cognitive and clinical neurosciences, criminal sciences, psychology and psychotherapy.

Milo has also completed a world first co-design project with Harvard University Neuroscience Department secretly discovering the functions of the unconscious brain and has been the Peak Performance Behavioural Scientist for some top Sporting Teams across the globe including the Sydney Swans.

Her ability to dissect behaviour to actionable chunks for change makes her keynotes a very unique experience as they are highly interactive and incredibly unique in their content and delivery.

Her fascination with human behaviour has been a constant flame since her earliest memories. As a child, she was the quiet observer at gatherings, watching, pondering, and wondering why people acted as they did. This curiosity only intensified as she grew older, transforming from a vague intrigue into a tangible, profound passion that ultimately shaped her professional trajectory as a Behavioural Scientist.

​Every person is a unique nexus of experiences, beliefs, and motivations, navigating the world through a lens tinted by their individual circumstances. As a Behavioural Scientist, Milo unravels these complex human tapestries and dissects the intricate dance between internal processes and external influences to understand why we do what we do.

This profession allows her to illuminate the enigmatic areas of human behaviour, bridging the gap between mystery and comprehension. Milo delves into the multifaceted dynamics of decision-making, interpersonal relationships, cognitive biases, and behavioural change. She investigates the countless variables that underpin our thoughts, actions, and reactions, offering a tangible glimpse into the otherwise intangible realm of human behaviour.

What lured Milo to this field was not only the intellectual stimulation and the relentless thirst for understanding but also the potential to use this knowledge to make a tangible difference.

​At the heart of her journey as a Behavioural Scientist is a constant sense of awe and reverence for the intricacies of the human mind and behaviour. Each day offers a new opportunity to delve deeper into the enigma that is human behaviour, revealing layer after complex layer of the intricate puzzle that makes us who we are.

Milo became a Behavioural Scientist to decipher the code of human behaviour, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the ‘why’ behind our actions. She continues this journey with relentless passion, forever guided by the quest for understanding, the thirst for knowledge, and the desire to contribute positively to the world around her.

Milo Wilkinson's Speaks About

  • The Deception of our Perception
  • Brain 101: Mental agility = resilience
  • Hardwired for Change: The Human Capacity to Adapt and Transform
  • Generational Leadership: Embracing Age Diversity in the Modern Workforce
  • The Future of Human Behaviour: Psychological Insights from a Futurist’s Perspective
  • understanding self / understanding others
  • Trust Matters: Unraveling the Psychology of Trust in Relationships and Beyond
  • The neuroscience and psychology of successful relationships
  • Mind-Reading for the Modern World: Navigating the Intricacies of Human Understanding
  • Human profiling

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