Mike Walsh

Leading Authority on the Digital Future
Mike Walsh – best-selling author of Futuretainment and CEO of consumer innovation research lab Tomorrow – is a leading authority on the digital future. His expertise is explaining new patterns of consumer behaviour and disruptive technologies in emerging markets.
Mike Walsh prepares business leaders for what’s next. He takes an anthropological approach – scanning the near horizon for disruptive technologies and consumer innovations on the verge of hitting critical mass, and then translating these into usable business strategies.
His advisory work and keynote presentations provide unique insights into the growing influence of new markets and generational change on breakthrough innovation and business transformation.
Mike is a dynamic and high-energy presenter, skilfully blending original video, award-winning visual design and mind- blowing case studies of innovation from his personal experiences in the field.
Whether at a conference, strategy offsite or an intimate boardroom discussion, Mike’s presentations act as a powerful catalyst for innovation, strategic planning and brand inspiration.
More about Mike Walsh:
A global nomad constantly travelling the world for the best ideas, Mike distils the most relevant insights into tailored keynotes that allow his audience to not only understand, but also start to influence, the future direction of their industry.
Mike is an expert on emerging markets. Mike’s new book, The Divergence, charts the rise of online consumers in the fast-growth emerging markets. His central contention is that tomorrow’s Web will be radically different to conventional Western models and will require entirely new engagement strategies.
Mike previously ran the market-leading consumer insights house Jupiter Research in Asia Pacific, and held senior strategy roles at News Corporation in both the Australian and Asian markets. In his current role at Tomorrow, Mike has advised the CEOs and senior management teams of companies such as the BBC, Fujifilm, Cartier, IWC, MSN, Star TV, P&G, Televisa, Hutchinson, Philips, Grey Advertising, Schwarzkopf, Roche Pharmaceuticals, BT Financial and HSBC.
Mike Walsh speaks about:
Futuretainment – Yesterday the World Changed, Now It’s Your Turn
Welcome to the Revolution. From the wild copyright warzones of Asia to the newly colliding forces of Silicon Valley and Hollywood, there is a new generation of young consumers challenging what it means to live in a digital world. Smart, connected, and mobile – the ‘Naturals’ have never known a world without the Web. The big idea at the heart of Futuretainment is that we have moved from an era of broadcast networks to audience networks, through which consumers have now taken charge of how brands are discovered, shared and popularised. Forget technology – the future of your business will be being shaped by anthropology. Understanding the new patterns of online consumer behaviour will be essential for both success and survival.
The Divergence – When the Emerging World Rules the Web
The Divergence marks the point where everything we know about the digital world will change. Soon emerging markets will not only overtake the West in terms of economic growth, but also as the dominant commercial and cultural influence on the development of the Web. How we interact, transact and entertain ourselves in the future will be shaped by a billion new digital consumers coming online from Brazil, Russia, India and China. Forget the Web of the West, and begin to understand the Web of the Rest. This is your roadmap to understanding and accessing the growth potential of these new digital markets.
Ubiquitous – Engaging Tomorrow’s Mobile Consumer
While faster processors, bigger screens and more powerful features steal the headlines, the true mobile revolution plays out daily in its continuing impact on the way we live, work and play. The next generation of phone technology will be more about providing consumers with ubiquitous, high-speed access to our social, professional and entertainment networks. From location-based technologies, to gesture-based interfaces and integrated financial services, the future of your phone may be no phone at all. To really understand the mobile business of tomorrow you first have to step inside the lives of the consumers that will inhabit it.
Nextlab – Unleashing the Future on Your Company and Competition
What does it take to not only be the best, but to also change the rules of the game? Nextlab is a high-impact program designed to equip top managers with the insights, motivation and tools to transform the way they do business. The future is already here, you just need to know where to look. Take a fast-paced global tour of the disruptive technologies and new consumer behaviours that will directly impact you and your industry. By the end of this action-packed keynote you will learn how to think like a futurist yourself!