Julia Banks

Author, Leadership Consultant, Keynote Speaker & MC

Julia Banks is an author, writer, and leadership consultant, who works across the private, corporate, and public sectors, and all levels of government.

Her expertise is in leadership development, safe, healthy, and respectful workplace cultures, diversity and inclusion, governance, and risk and issues management.

Julia’s work is broad ranging: from general consulting to being a keynote speaker, panel facilitator and MC to engaging in “In Conversations”, workshops, and CEO and CxO roundtables, and as a 1on1 executive coach and mentor to individuals.

Julia’s bestselling book ‘PowerPlay, breaking through bias barriers and boys’ clubs’ was nominated in the 2022 Australian Book Industry Awards.

Julia also regularly authors opinion pieces which have been published in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Saturday Paper & The New Daily, and has appeared in radio and television, and mainstream media interviews regarding current affairs.

Julia is undertaking her PhD at Deakin University in Melbourne regarding workplace culture.

More About Julia

Julia is an experienced executive corporate and board director, general counsel, non-executive director, and advisory board member who has worked with global companies and Australian organisations.

Julia has also served as a Federal Government and Independent MP in the Australian Parliament.

Her broad experience across the corporate and public workplace sectors, and all levels of government -has harnessed her deep understanding and ability to tailor and adapt her keynote speeches, panel discussions and “in conversations” in industries ranging from the law, manufacturing, professional and .nance services, IT, construction, retail, sport and academia and all levels of government.

Julia Banks graduated in Arts & Law from Monash University in Melbourne Australia, is a Graduate of the Australian Institue of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Australian Governance Institue.

Julia Speaks About

  • Working and Leading in a safe healthy and happy workplace culture
  • In any workplace culture setting – we all have positional power, and personal power
  • Tapping into your personal power no matter your position in leadership
  • Personal power is defined by our values, our integrity, our truth and our intuition or gut instinct
  • Governance, Compliance


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