Jordana Borensztajn

Communications Expert, Keynote Speaker, MC and Humourist
Dynamic, electrifying and endlessly entertaining, Jordana brings high energy, deep insights and lots of laughter to every event.
Fearless, authentic and incredibly charismatic, Jordana is a multi-talented keynote speaker, event MC, humourist, public speaking trainer, author and workshop trainer.
Jordana is inspired by inspiring others. Her captivating and vibrant energy lights up every room, and her one-of-a-kind stories, lessons and insights hit audiences straight in the heart.
She loves creating ‘aha’ moments for delegates that lead to lightbulb transformations, and her mission is simple: to educate with joy and laughter. Jordana customises every keynote for each individual group she presents for, and she writes new jokes for every corporate audience to ensure every experience is fun, memorable and meaningful.
Her effervescent enthusiasm and uplifting presence inspires crowds to feel excited, confident and passionate about exploring and expressing their own joy, creativity and true potential.
Jordana’s experience includes being a News Corp Australia journalist, working as online music editor, content producer and social media manager at Nova Entertainment, writing two business marketing books and an illustrated children’s book, and performing two sold-out shows in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Jordana has been featured extensively in the media, including on Channel 10’s The Living Room, Channel 9’s A Current Affair, Nova 100, ABC Radio National, Hit 100.9 Hobart, ABC Hobart, ABC Northern Tasmania, WIN News, Channel 31, and across the Herald Sun, mX, the Sunday Herald Sun, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.
Jordana is also a talented performer, offering corporate comedy, magic and mentalism. As Australia’s only female magician and mentalist in the corporate world, Jordana gets the ultimate joy from surprising audiences by creating an atmosphere of awe, wonder, laughter and delight.
Jordana Borensztain speaks about:
MCing with a humourist twist
Drawing on her stand-up comedy, public speaking, and extensive media experience, Jordana brings humour, fresh ideas and an innovative approach to the role of MC. Jordana creates a completely uplifting and undeniably energising experience as MC, weaving your event together with customised comedy and witty observations. This always adds an electric, playful and memorable point of difference for delegates. For MC roles that include panels and forums, Jordana create a unique space where both speakers and audience members feel at ease with her curious, creative and fun interviewing style.
Enhance your sales skills and power of persuasion with a dynamite presentation toolkit
Powerful presentation skills are essential when making sales, creating connections, developing your career, and building your leadership skills. Whether you head up meetings, connect daily with your clients, or present on camera, it’s important to deliver your key messages with clarity, impact and confidence. In this high-energy, interactive and hands-on session, Jordana shares valuable techniques to help you pitch, promote and sell your key business messages with passion, flair and conviction. You’ll learn how to enhance your power of influence to deliver your messages in a truly memorable way. Jordana will teach you how to transform fear into positive energy, how to use your body language and voice for maximum impact, how to use storytelling to inspire, how to showcase your unique point of difference, how to manage awkward moments with grace, and so much more. Most importantly, you’ll identify the biggest fears that show up in your own sales process, and you’ll gain new tools and strategies to break through these fears so you can eliminate all roadblocks to create a brand new path to success.
*This can be delivered as a keynote presentation or a workshop
Turning on workplace creativity: Ignite innovation, spark ideas, enhance productivity
Creativity fuels innovation and drives new ideas. It helps us problem-solve in unconventional ways and encourages an atmosphere of interactivity and engagement where everyone feels seen and valued. As a result, excitement and productivity levels soar to new heights. So how can you infuse your workplace culture with innovation, the joy of collaboration, and constant ideation so you gain a competitive advantage? In this high-energy, inspiring and interactive keynote, Jordana shares the entertaining story of discovering her inner magician to teach your team how to uncover your own untapped resources for creative inspiration. Strategically using mentalism, magic and laughter as tools to activate your own imagination and sense of play, you will learn how to create an atmosphere where creativity thrives. You’ll discover why we need to replace habitual thinking with curiosity in order to innovate and ideate in brand new ways, how to nurture intuition and empower your employees, how to embrace change with enthusiasm, how to connect and collaborate at a higher level with more productivity – and most importantly, how to have more fun at work – every single day. This is the exact session you need to magically make your company come alive and take the lead!
Next generation communication: Creating positive generational connections for exceptional business outcomes
Four generations are working together under one corporate roof and things can get… complicated. From the unique position of a Millennial, Jordana breaks down the qualities and traits that differentiate Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (Millennials), and Gen Z so that we can finally understand each other, and learn to positively connect, communicate and collaborate. In this entertaining, educational and highly interactive keynote presentation, Jordana shares easy action steps to help managers decode, motivate and engage their young employees so that we can all work happily, and in harmony, to reach our core business goals as one. This is a game-changer for collaborating and connecting internally!
*This can be delivered as a keynote presentation or a workshop
Using laughter to unlock your fear and become exceptional
Let’s talk about a topic everyone loves to avoid: fear! In both business and in life, our fears and perceived limitations block us from achieving our biggest dreams, and discovering our true creative potential. As a bold risk-taker and creative pioneer, Jordana has faced and overcome fear thousands (and thousands) of times. From stand up comedy, to keynote speaking, to journalism, to writing three books, to magic, to mentalism, and with decades of executing wild creative stunts under her belt, Jordana has discovered they key to unlocking our biggest fears: humour. In this uplifting session, Jordana will teach you profound strategies using humour principles to unpack and unlock your fears in a light-hearted and highly effective way. Through sharing hilarious stories, deep insights and unique techniques, together you’ll identify your fears, distinguish between real fears and perceived fears, and learn to use your fears as a source of strength to open the floodgates for brand new possibilities and brand new business outcomes.
*This can be delivered as a keynote presentation or a workshop
Reignite your work mojo: Finding inspiration, motivation and excitement to lead at the highest level in this new (new) normal
As we recover from the turbulence of the last 4 years, it’s hard to find the motivation to embrace this rapidly evolving world with excitement and grace. We’ve transformed and workplaces are different. The disruption hasn’t been easy; it’s been a big challenge for both employers and employees. So how can you find the inspiration, gusto and drive to lead at the highest level so you can collaborate, connect and perform in your workplace in a more dynamic and successful way than you did in the past?
In this fresh, fun and interactive keynote, we’ll deep-dive into how the workplace has shifted and explore powerful strategies to embrace unexpected change with strength, resilience and enthusiasm. Importantly, we’ll cover tips and techniques to fill your cup internally which will fuel your work mojo. When we are enriched inside, it allows you to give more and grow more, helping everyone at your workplace connect, collaborate, communicate, and create, in new, exciting and passionate ways.
Build a thriving brand online with innovative social media marketing
In today’s noisy digital world, brands and businesses are fighting for attention.
In this engaging, high-energy and insightful keynote, Jordana shares techniques to help you cut through the social media chaos so your business can soar above your competition. You’ll overcome social media fears and learn easy-to-apply tools, techniques and industry insights to develop a unique brand voice, generate captivating visuals, and use powerful storytelling techniques to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. You’ll learn how to apply innovative ideas to your content creation process so you feel confident and empowered to take meaningful action online and feel inspired as a team. Most importantly, you’ll feel excited about creating a compelling social media journey to build an unforgettable brand on social media. This will help you truly stand out and pioneer in your industry and creating meaningful connections with your current and prospective clients online.
Presentations for school students
Discovering magic in the unexpected
How curiosity helps you create a career with passion
Embrace your fear to become exceptional
Communicate with confidence to express your authenticity
Additionally, Jordana offers the following after-dinner corporate entertainment:
Corporate comedy
Corporate mentalism
Corporate magic