John Dwyer

Mr Wow Factor - Australia's leading business marketeer
John Dwyer is renowned as one of Australia’s foremost business marketeers whose goal is to blow the lid off conventional marketing thinking.
He is the founder and owner of The Institute of Wow, a marketing consultancy business which develops sales-stimulating ideas for businesses both small and large. John believes that all marketing should have a ‘wow factor’ and many of his ideas have certainly achieved this goal for his clients.
One of John’s recent coups was obtaining US comedian Jerry Seinfeld to be the spokesperson for The Greater Building Society’s advertising campaigns. Given that Jerry has only ever appeared in two other advertising campaigns, American Express and Microsoft, even John admits that this was “the wow of all wows!”
According to John, this coup is evidence of what can happen when you think outside the square and are prepared to be bold.
In the mid-80s John established his own advertising agency called Dynamic Ideas and boasted clients such as News Ltd, KFC, McDonald’s, 7 Eleven, Coca-Cola and Caltex. In the mid-90s, John entered the trading card market and in his first year of producing the Rugby League bubble-gum football cards, he grew sales from $2 million to $12 million retail.
John sold his advertising and trading card business in the mid-90s and concentrated on producing a ground-breaking, feel-good television program called Dreams Can Come True for the Ten Network. Hosted by Daryl Braithwaite, the series revolved around delivering surprise dreams to needy people. John managed to convince the likes of Michael Jordan, Princess Di, Paul Hogan, Meatloaf and even Steven Spielberg to contribute to delivering wonderful surprises to worthwhile recipients.
Since the late 90s, business owners and managers around Australia have been adopting John’s marketing philosophy via his Wow Factor Marketing Seminars. He also speaks at events staged by promoters including Knowledge Source, Universal Events, Pat Mesiti, Mal Emery and Brett McFall.
In August 2012, John released his first book, The Wow Manifesto, in which he reveals his 10 Point Wow Manifesto Marketing System, detailing what every business owner or manager should implement to dramatically increase their customer base. In typical ‘JD style’ it stands out from every other book on the market due to its size (tabloid!) and presentation style.
John Dwyer talks about:
- The Wow Manifesto – John’s 10-point proven marketing system to catapult sales for any business. Topics cover Research, How To Develop a Wow Factor, How to Hold Events, Be Different Online, How to use Video Testimonials, How to get Free Publicity, How to Build Repetitive Trade and much more.
- How to be the Celebrity Expert of your Industry – Transform yourself or your business from being a ‘generalist’ to a ‘celebrity expert’ and sky-rocket your status to the level of ‘trusted adviser’. Learn how to fast-track your persona to ‘expert status’ and just watch people gravitate naturally to you.
John is an engaging and fun presenter who helps businesses to unlock their hidden potential and use innovative and dynamic marketing strategies to break sales record after sales record.