Jody Allen

Online Publisher and Keynote Speaker
Jody Allen is a successful online publisher having created the website Stay at Home Mum and its complementary Facebook Page.
Stay at Home Mum is now the biggest independently owned Parenting portal in Australia and employs 14 people. Based in Gympie, Rural Queensland, Stay at Home Mum has an incredible million Mums following her website every month and engaging on her Facebook page.
Jody is also a successful keynote speaker, who draws on her personal experiences to talk to audiences about how they can achieve the ever-pursued work life balance.
It’s a highly relevant topic for Jody Allen who knows what it’s like to be a parent under pressure. She was made redundant while pregnant with her second child.
To make ends meet she lived on just $50 per week for four years. During that time she started a website Stay at Home Mum to share her tips on saving money with other Aussie Mums.
Jody is the ambassador for Agforce Queensland and Suzuki Queensland. She is passionate about rural and women’s issues.