Jo Gambi

Adventurer and motivational speaker
Having faced cancer twice, Jo Gambi decided to spend more time pursuing her hobbies. She never believed ordinary people like her could do something like climb the ‘seven summits’ but Jo Gambi tackled it one step at a time.
Despite a serious and life threatening event in the Himalaya on her first expedition, Jo Gambi got back on her feet again and continued pursuing her dreams.
Jo Gambi’s achievements and records have been as much of a surprise to her as to anyone else.
The challenge of completing the “Seven Summits” and skiing to both Poles has pushed Jo Gambi beyond her limits of endurance and has encouraged her to stretch beyond her own perceptions of what is possible. In doing so, Jo Gambi has experienced the exhilaration of success in achieving seemingly impossible dreams and is now passionate about sharing her experiences and observations with others.
Jo Gambi is an inspirational character and her story has tremendous popular appeal. You don’t need to be interested in climbing mountains to find her experiences and observations absolutely fascinating.
In 2006, Jo Gambi’s book Hold On: A Tale of Love and Survival was published. Written with her husdand Rob, their insights into what it takes to achieve your dreams and push yourself beyond your limits are as relevant to the business world as they are to every day life.