Jack Yabsley

Wildlife TV reporter and presenter
Jack Yabsley joined Network Ten in 2004 as a Sydney-based reporter for the award winning children’s program Totally Wild.
Having never owned any pets (apart from a beloved goldfish), Jack Yabsley is now revelling in the chance to experience all things Totally Wild.
From camels and horses, to dolphins and apes, Jack enjoys reporting on all of the weird and wonderful things that animals can get up to in their natural habitat.
Jack Yabsley completed a three-year journalism degree at CSU Bathurst. His role on Totally Wild combines his love of working with children, writing and presenting interesting and adventurous stories with his own style of fun.
Jack Yabsley has also appeared in several documentaries aired on Network Ten, as well as Toasted TV, Cheez TV, and Ready, Steady Cook. Jack also produces segments on a regular basis for TTN, a children’s news program and SCOPE, a science-based program for kids.