Ian Stephens

Mindset Speaker and Trainer
Ian Stephens will challenge people to think about their thinking. He will initiate the process of change. Results are driven by actions, and actions are driven by beliefs and values. Participants in Ian’s keynote and workshop sessions constantly comment on being inspired to do something differently. And they leave with the ‘how-to’ tools they can apply the very next day.
An inspiring speaker who will tailor the content to your brief, make it relevant to your people, and practical enough to use the skills and tools the very next day.
Ian is a mix of energy, audience participation, humour and wit.
Using Ian’s story and history with the Speedball, participants are immediately curious given he brings a portable speedball unit on stage. Incorporating a very funny and engaging audience interaction piece, Ian usually concludes his keynote or session with a live demonstration of his ‘National Boxercise Championship’ speedball routine. Audience members are left stunned by a practical and powerful demonstration of what can be achieved when you alter your thinking, focus and take massive action.
Ian’s dazzling ‘speedball’ demonstration and audience interaction piece leaves delegates stunned at what can be achieved when you are focused and have the right mindset and tools.
Ian Stephens Speaks About
The Rhythm of Sales Success
Every senior executive and sales director knows this formula….and they lose sleep over whether the revenue targets will happen.
Based on his book, ‘Shift your SALES ACTIVITY: The 7 Universal Laws of Sales Success’, Ian tailors a key note that will inspire and equip the sales team and sales leaders alike to increase the chances that your sales targets actually happen.
The content can be tailored to link to any conference theme and leaves delegates:
- Understanding the critical Laws of Sales Success
- Better equipped to land the sales targets
- Inspired to implement their sales plans
- Masters of their own high-performance sales mindset
Why You’re Not Getting What You Want and How to Create Your Desired Results … Faster!
Ever felt frustrated that the results you want either don’t turn up, or take their time? Have you experienced moments when you were ‘in the zone’ but then it slipped away?
What if you just needed to know the formula of what’s happening behind the curtain? What if you could consciously repeat that state of ‘being in the zone’, time and time again and watch your desired outcomes flow with ease? And what if you could take control of changing limiting beliefs and kicking them to the curb once and for all?
In this powerful and life-changing keynote, Ian draws on the skills and tools from his award-winning book, “shiFt MINDSET” and reveals the way to work with natural laws in order to create the results you want…faster.
Participants who attend this keynote will:
- Learn the REAL secret behind the science of achievement
- Explore the role consistency (or the lack of it) plays in achieving what you want
- Understand how to replace limiting beliefs and kick them to the curb once and for all
- Discover the Fast-Track Results Achievement Formula, enabling them to get in the ‘slipstream’ Learn the underpinning principles and laws of outcome achievement in business and in life
The Rhythm of Momentum
Getting your team to create momentum, and maximise it, may just be the most important area of focus for leaders these days. Based on his book ‘shift HABITS: The 7 Step Pathway to Mastery’, this powerful and entertaining presentation includes a highly moving display of mastery and momentum in action. It leaves delegates motivated to take ac tion and resourced with tools to make any required change happen.
Participants are engaged before Ian even speaks. His portable Speedball framework (erected on the stage) immediately creates a state of curiosity. His powerful talk weaves in his journey to master the Rhythm Speedball (Speedbag in the USA), and to tally engages and inspires conference participants.
Culminating in a live demonstration of his winning National Speedball Championship routine, your team will be dazzled at ‘what’s possible’ when the power of focus and discipline are merged.
Using safe humour, and tailored to your organisation, this entertaining keynote can include messages/content such as:
- The 7 Step Pathway to Mastery or Outcome Achievement
- How to create the right mindset to overcome obstacles and bring home results
- Creating and maintaining momentum
- Staying creative and innovative in times of change
- Taking ownership and accountability to make desired results happen
- Managing your ‘state of mind’ during times of uncertainty