Ian Lin

Social & Economic Futurist
Ian Lin, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., FIEAust., CPEng is a business and social strategist, and futurist. His research covers the latest ideas, trends and forecasts of the future by experts in the fields of — communities and societies; business and economics; politics and government; science and technology; ecology and environment; and demography and migration.
He then uses his research to help others develop the imagination, foresight and wisdom they need to create their own future and shape their own destiny, in a world that is undergoing continuous, rapid, radical and revolutionary change.
Dr Lin has been an advisor and consultant to both government and private enterprise on the development of corporate innovation, cross-cultural communications, and multi-cultural business networks; and on the new tier of multidimensional strategies, management skills, and on the new level of cyber intelligence required to not only survive, but also to grow, thrive and prosper in the Global Network Society of the 21st Century.
During his career has been a member of the Australian Government’s Trade Policy Advisory Council; the Asia in Australia Council; the Advisory Board of the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research; the Major Organisations Board of the Australia Council; the Customs Advisory Council; the Aid Advisory Council; and the Chairman of a Review Committee on major aspects of Australian immigration policy.
Dr. Lin has been an Associate of the Australian Graduate School of Engineering Innovation, and has previously been a Professor of Engineering and Director of the Centre for Engineering Management and Innovation, University of Sydney; the President of the Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific, University of Sydney; and a Visiting Professor of Management at the Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales. He has been on a number of University advisory boards and has lectured extensively in Graduate Business Schools throughout Australia.
He has been a keynote speaker at many meetings in the Asia Pacific region and is a contributing author to the McGraw Hill book “Innovation and Imagination at Work.”
He was Australia’s business representative at the APEC Human Resources Experts’ Conference in the Philippines; the foundation National President of the Hong Kong – Australia Business Association; and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Dr Ian Lin talks about:
New Horizons
Survival, Growth & Prosperity in the 21st Century
Global Strategic Vision
Strategic Planing for the Future
Organisational Change
The Development of Enterprise, Values and Entrepreneurship
Cyber Intelligence
The Cyber Age’s Transformation, Change, Growth and Survival.