Fred Lang

Australian "live" stand-up comic
In the mid sixties Fred, much to his horror, found himself lying in the crib in the Sydney Seventh day Adventist Hospital.
Six days later, after a daring escape, he crawled north east at a rapid rate until he happened upon an eclectic band of European immigrants. In time he came to know them as Mum, Dad, Older Brother and twin.
The following 30 odd years have seen Fred also escape from 3 schools, 2 TAFE colleges, 106 “employment opportunities”, 53 Households, 21 countries, and 5 relationships. (Having said that, he is very committed to his dog, Beau).
Those 30 years have also seen him become one of Australia’s most sought after “live” stand-up comics. Pubs, clubs, town halls, conference centers, or Opera Houses… it makes little difference to this wild professional. Fred’s love of stand-up comes from a deep seated need to have his say… and not get arrested! He’ll push, prod and provoke an audience with a style that is, like all individuals, uniquely his.
Fred has had the misfortune of working with just about every well known comic in the country – most of whom he has little respect for. Those he looks forward to working again with include Peter Berner, Tommy Dean, Jimeoin, and the Scared Weird Little Guys.
Whether it be traveling, working or fleeing, Fred has managed to fill 3 passports in the last 10 years – from New Zealand to England, Germany to Fiji, Borneo to Turkey and just about every country in between. In his beloved Australia Fred has worked both coasts, every major city and most of the minor ones as well.
He has appeared on television so many times he is convinced there are still some performances he hasn’t been paid for! Radio has paid up for the many months he offered his unique opinions but the money was crap. He hasn’t done any movies but this is only because he hasn’t slept with a proper agent.