Dr Ginni Mansberg

Trusted Health and Wellbeing Specialist & Keynote Speaker
Dr Ginni Mansberg is a practising GP with a particular interest in women’s health, family health and parenting. She lectures medical students, consults to health related companies on strategy and communications, is an author and regularly appears on television.
A high energy, warm and somewhat irreverent keynote speaker, Ginni is passionate about delivering credible, achievable, scientifically based, compassionate, advice on health and wellbeing.
She is an authority on everything from sleep to beating stress, wellness, life balance and a range of general health and medical related topics. Ginni’s presentations are always packaged with a dose of reality, practical and helpful tips and delivered with her customary sense of humour.
Named among Australia’s 40 Most Inspiring Women over 40 by Prevention Magazine, Ginni says being a GP and sharing in the lives of her patients keeps her grounded.
More about Dr Ginni Mansberg:
Ginni finished her junior medical resident training a week before having her first child and pursued a career in General Practice while having her next children. A series of nanny disasters saw her bail on her practice and look for something to do from home. She ended up back at University where she completed a Graduate Diploma of Journalism. That triggered her next career as a medical journalist, which in turn led to writing and eventually TV, radio, speaking and ultimately, a career in consulting.
Locuming as a favour for a friend at a methadone clinic in Sydney’s Kings Cross turned into an unexpectedly satisfying role on the seedy side of Sydney that lasted for many years. Then Ginny went on to become a federal speech writer and health policy advisor in Canberra to Joe Hockey.
In 2013 she started an antiaging skin care company with my husband, Daniel. Auroracare has been manufacturing evidence based cosmeceutical skin care for plastic surgeons and dermatologists all over Australia and developed ESK, a retail skin care range.
In 2015, Ginni completed the AICD (Australian Institute of Company Directors) – Company Directors Course to further her interest in Governance.
Aside from her practice in Sydney’s south, Ginni is also an accomplished writer. Books written include; How to Handle Your Hormones, How to get your Mojo Back and Why am I so Tired?
An experienced TV presenter, Ginni has worked with Channel 7 as their resident GP on Sunrise, the Morning Show and Weekend Sunrise. Additionally, she was one of the hosts of Embarrassing Bodies Down Under.
Ginni lectures medical students from the University of Notre Dame in Sydney. She also consults in strategy and communications in healthcare for health related companies – large and small.
Ginni talks about:
- Staying well at work
- Wellness for women
- Social media in healthcare
- The rise of complementary therapies in healthcare
- Work life balance
- Hormonal imbalances
- Getting a better night’s sleep
- Why am I so tired?
- Having it all- being a mother and a career woman
- The secrets to having happy, healthy teenagers