Di Fleming

Leading through creativity and innovation
Di Fleming is a professional educator, lateral-thinking leader and learner whose success has been realised across education and industry alike.
Since 1976 Di Fleming has given over two hundred and fifty keynote presentations, workshops, university lectures and after-dinner addresses for both public and private sector organisations throughout Australia, Europe, the US, Canada, China, the UK, Indonesia, New Zealand and Japan. She is known for injecting enthusiasm and inspiration through her presentations.
She is President and CEO of the Australia Africa Business Council in Victoria and a National Director. As Australia is engaging with Africa across diverse sectors, Di has many stories to tell, challenges to wager and principles for leadership to share.
Di believes that the strength of all organisations lies in “finding the extraordinary in the ordinary” by creating a culture where people can build their creative capital for the benefit of all. She also believes that mentoring is part of professional responsibility – to prepare young people and pass the baton.
Previously, Di was the Director of lab.3000, and associate professor in Digital Design at RMIT University where she established and developed the Victorian Government’s Centre for Excellence in Digital Design.
Prior to her time at RMIT University, Di Fleming was CEO of Digital Harbour Holdings Pty Ltd and Principal of Kilvington Girls’ Grammar. Both appointments reflect her outstanding entrepreneurial, management and leadership skills in strategic management of innovation and the development of digital schooling. She was also the first educator to achieve the 1998 -1999 Telstra Victorian Businesswoman of the Year Award and the National Telstra/AusIndustry Award.
Di is a Consultant and Director of Accelerated Knowledge Technologies; a company dedicated to the strategic management of innovation. Di was also Associate Professor, Principal Research Fellow in the Department of Learning and Educational Development at The University of Melbourne (2001-03).
In 2001 she was featured in the Federation Celebration ‘Exhibition Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives’ at the State Museum, Victoria -a chronology of significant women across the previous one hundred years.
Di is a fellow of the Australian College of Education and the Australian Council of Educational Leadership and is a recipient of the Hedley Beare Educator of the Year Award.
Di Fleming talks about:
- Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- The leadership and management of global drivers
- 21st Century Education: Wonder in learning
- The Business of Design and the Design of Business