David Hill

Prominent business leader, best-selling author
Along with an extremely varied and successful career, multi-talented businessman and former power player David Hill has also enjoyed a colourful and diverse life.
David Hill was chairman then managing director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, chairman of the Australian Football Association, chief executive and director of the State Rail Authority, chairman of Sydney Water Corporation, a fellow of the Sydney University Senate, and chairman of CREATE (an organisation representing Australian children in institutional care).
He has also held a number of other executive appointments and committee chair positions in the areas of sport, transport, international radio broadcasting, international news providers, politics, fiscal management and city parks.
David came from England to Australia in 1959 under the Fairbridge Farm School Child Migrant scheme. He left school at 15, earned a scholarship to study economics at the University of Sydney then returned to complete his Master’s degree while working as an economics tutor at the university.
In 2006 David was awarded a Diploma of Arts with merit in classical archaeology from The University of Sydney and subsequently graduated in classical archaeology. He is an honorary associate at The University of Sydney Departments of Archaeology and Classics and Ancient History, and a senior visiting fellow at the Faculty of Arts, University of New South Wales.
Since 2011 David Hill has been the manager of an archaeological study of the ancient Greek city of Troizen. He is the Chairman of the Australians for the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures and since 2005 has been the President of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures.
David Hill is also the bestselling author of several books on Australian history including The Making of Australia, The Great Race: The Race Between the English and the French to Complete the Map of Australia, The Gold Rush, 1788: The Brutal Truth Of The First Fleet and The Forgotten Children: Fairbridge Farm School and its Betrayal of Britain’s Child Migrants to Australia and Australia and the Monarchy.