Comic Roasts

Musical Satire
Presenting ‘serious satire’ and tailor-made musical comedy, Comic Roasts bring humour and entertainment to conference dinners, product launches, awards nights, client functions and cocktail parties.
Whether presenting a light-hearted look at a company, individual or organisation Comic Roasts undertake extensive research in order to create a unique combination of song and patter which will keep audiences laughing and singing long after their performance has finished.
Introduced by the MC as ‘consultants’ or as ‘two top investigators’ from the industry regulatory body, Comic Roasts take to the stage and launch into their musical-satirical routine. As the laugher flows, the organisation is parodied and pilloried, the boss is gently barbecued (medium rare… just pink!) and staff are celebrated in song. Familiar ‘issues’ are set to well-known tunes, with the team’s successes and slip-ups immortalised in popular song. For the finale, the audience are invited to join in and – with hands on hearts and lyric sheets in hand – the whole room sings along loudly and proudly to their own new ‘anthem’.
The Comic Roasts duo are Geoff Sirmai and David Fisher, both experienced performers who have roasted, toasted and musically mauled clients at major theatre venues, hotels, clubs and function centres. Their impressive client list includes Telstra, AGL, Australia Post, Deutsche Bank, St George, KLM, Meriton, Caroma, Benfield Grieg, the Young Presidents Organisation, Liberty Grove, Dexta, Alcon and Amcham. Geoff’s stage credits include lead roles in plays, operas and musicals. He is a director of Theatresports and holds a BA in Music and an MA (Hons) in Australian Drama from Sydney University. A nationally known consumer rights journalist, radio presenter and television reporter, Geoff is also the author of the best-selling book The Confident Consumer.
David is an accomplished broadcaster, musician and comedy writer who has sung with the Australian Opera Chorus and Sydney Philharmonia Choir. He has starred as musical improviser in Theatresports and as a keyboard player has appeared in hundreds of concerts and on Burke’s Backyard.