Ben Dobbin

MC, Sports Commentator and Auctioneer
Ben “Dobbo” Dobbin is one of Australia’s most loved media personalities. Ben started his career as a jackaroo in Brunette Downs and it was there where he fell in love with the land and rural Australia; it has now become his greatest passion. Dobbo spent the next 15 years as a Stock and Station Agent. In 2010 he used his passion and knowledge to start a successful meat wholesale business; Rangeland Quality Meats.
In 2011, during the Qld Flood Appeal Dobbo’s childhood friend, Ben Fordham, with whom he went to boarding school in Sydney, travelled to regional Qld to interview flood-affected communities which included a live television interview with his best friend (‘my mate Dobbo’). Dobbo stole the show and left viewers wanting more which led to appearances on The Footy Show and 60 Minutes as well as his own segment “The Man on the Land” on Sydney’s 2GB. Soon after he joined the Triple M family with the team on “Dead Set Legends” and now hosts “The Rush Hour”.
Ben is an MC and one of Australia’s leading Auctioneers and frequently enjoys contributing to events around the country.
Not only does Dobbo spend his days calling football games and hosting radio shows but is most proud of his life as a dad to five beautiful children. In his spare time, he loves hitting the road, back to his roots of where he still has a significant connection to rural Australia.