Bastien Treptel

Co-founder of CTRL Group
Bastien Treptel is a public figure, speaker, educator and futurist. Bastien has an incredible background on the good and bad of cyber security. At the age of 14 Bastien was given his first computer, by the age of 16, the police came knocking. Bastien had used his hacking skills to get into one of the big four banks and access credit cards. It was his love of pizza that led to the police tracking him down and ultimately reforming his ways.
Years later, Bastien founded CTRL Group to combat cybercrime and in November 2021 sold the company for millions.
More about Bastien Treptel:
Bastien now uses his time to spread the word on how dangerous and creative cyber criminals are and how you can protect your business and personal life.
Bastien is the co-founder of CTRL Group – Australia’s progressive information security firm, protecting businesses from cyber risk. CTRL Group offers best-in-class security solutions ranging from audits, hacking, monitoring, advisory and education.
Bastien is dedicated to inspiring everyone to appreciate security as it becomes an essential part of our lives as we move into a hyper-digitized world.
Bastien is also the host of the CyberHacker podcast series which has over 100,000 subscribers and is currently in production for season 2.
Bastien Treptel talks about:
· Cyber Security – The Dangers Explained. A terrifying delve into the world of hackers and how easy it is to hack into people’s lives, and businesses and destroy them. Bastien covers these threats in an easy-to-understand manner.
· Cyber and Politics. Fake news, media and deep fakes are affecting the way we vote, we shield our views and surround ourselves with like-minded people. Could this be the end of the world as we know it? Will technology ruin us or save us? Bastien dives into this topic with examples, shocks us with demos and ends with a positive spin on the world that will leave you thinking.
· Successful Entrepreneur. Bastien covers off the threats business face today, how he went from door-knocking for clients to exiting 14 years later and not “having to work” but choosing to follow his passions.
· AI Leadership and the Future workforce. Bastien describes a possible future, the leadership in business required to achieve it and how to harness its power to elevate your teams.
· AI and Cybercrime – Leadership Guide. Ex Criminal Hacker Bastien takes the cover off how AI is being used by cybercriminals and how to protect your organisation through leadership and future thinking.
· AI a Future of good and bad. Future cities, workforces, health and lifestyles could all be improved however, let’s take a second to imagine the dark side and how to prevent the AI apocalypse.