Alain Robert

Spiderman Alain Robert is a French free climber who is regarded in more than 100 countries around the world as the greatest and most extreme climber of all time. Now a global icon, Alain has climbed monuments, cliffs, mountains, gorges, towers and at least 140 of the world’s tallest skyscrapers using only his bare hands, without the benefit of ropes or any safety equipment. Some were authorised climbs but many were not, resulting in his having been arrested many times.
Alain’s conquests include the world’s tallest building in 2011, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, (Sears) Willis Tower in Chicago, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi and the Sapphire Mall in Istanbul, the New York Times building, the Sydney Opera House and the Eiffel Tower, to name but a few.
While thrilling, exciting and inspiring thousands and probably millions of fans the world over, Alain is also in great demand as an after-dinner, motivational and keynote speaker for major corporations worldwide.
Alain prepares carefully for any ascent knowing that his life is at risk every single time. He trains hard; his mind is totally focussed, he knows he’s got to get it right. All his life he has taken carefully calculated risks. He’s had many serious accidents and injuries, including five days in a coma, and he developed vertigo yet he is not afraid of failing. He enjoys achieving the seemingly impossible and continues to search for new climbing challenges all over the world.
He demonstrates the same focus and leadership while speaking at conventions and seminars around the world. Amongst his many clients are Bristol Myers Squibb, HSBC, Russell Investments, Zenith Watches, Citywire, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Louis Vuitton, Moet, Hennessy and more.
Alain Robert’s daredevil exploits have brought him thousands of fans around the world, from live spectators on the ground below, to fellow daredevils and climbers, to members of the Malaysian and Emirati royal families and many, many more. He is also followed on Twitter and Facebook by thousands of people with his ascents viewed on video sharing sites by millions. He is treated like a huge star everywhere he goes.
Alain earned his first registration in the Guinness Book of Records in 2008 but has also received many other awards before and since. These include the world record for the most extreme solo route ever achieved (Gorge of the Verdon, 1993), an award for his solo performance presented by the President of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) Juan Antonio Samaranche, in 1993 and The BrandLaureate World Records Awards 2010 in recognition of his extraordinary and spectacular feats in his area of specialisation.
Each of Alain’s climbs receives worldwide media coverage in newspapers, TV, radio and on the Internet. For example, his climbs in Abu Dhabi took place in front of over 150,000 live spectators, including the King and President of the United Arab Emirates, with millions more watching live on TV. In fact, more people watched his climb of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi from the street than watched the opening ceremony of the Football World Cup Finals. His ascent of the (Sears) Willis Tower (443 meters) in Chicago aired over 500 times on American television in only one week.
Alain has starred in many TV documentaries worldwide and was the subject of CNN’s Revealed Show which was viewed by worldwide audience of 700 million people. Previous subjects have included global icons such as Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Francis Ford Coppola, Silvio Berlusconi and Dolce and Gabbana. A Hollywood documentary / movie is also planned, as is a worldwide television series.
Such is Alain Robert’s appeal that when Universal Pictures released the movie Spiderman, it engaged him to promote the movie’s release, giving him his own Spiderman costume which he wears on some of his climbs.
It’s obvious that Alain Robert is extremely popular with the media and the public, governments and corporations alike. He is widely loved and through his ascents has raised millions of dollars for global charities.