Geraldine Doogue is a renowned Australian journalist and broadcaster with a distinguished career in .....
Jon Dee is the founder and managing director of the Australian advocacy organisation 'Do .....
Janine Perrett is a senior, award winning journalist and speaker who engages audiences with her .....
Australia's first indigenous woman elected to federal parliament and the first Aboriginal .....
Robert Gottliebsen's commentaries - covering local and international business, economies and .....
Terry McCrann's experience in the economic field is extensive and well-respected. Never far from .....
James Kirby is a leading Australian financial journalist, a commentator, broadcaster and .....
Robert Zoellick is the former President of The World Bank; Vice Chairman, International, of the .....
Roger Douglas, as Minister of Finance in New Zealand, won an international reputation as the .....
Dr Ian B. Lin is a business and social strategist, and futurist. He was Managing Director of a .....
Christopher Clark is widely regarded as one of Australia's leading strategic thinkers, business .....
Max Gillies is most recognized for his work over more than three decades impersonating Australia's .....
Paul Clitheroe is one of Australia's most respected financial media commentators. The Chairman of .....
Bob Carr holds the record as the longest continuously serving Premier of New South Wales (1995 - .....
Linda Jakobson is an expert on China having lived in the country for 22 years and been a student of .....
Alastair Campbell is a writer, communicator and strategist best known for his role as former .....
Dr Keith Suter is one of Australia's most influential futurists and media commentators in local and .....
Geoffrey Robertson QC is an internationally respected human rights barrister, who has appeared as .....
A Professor at UTS Business School, Dr Anne Summers continues her ongoing research dedicated to .....
Sir Bob Geldof is an internationally acclaimed businessman, musician, humanitarian and political .....
An internationally recognised master mimic of the famous and infamous and Australia's most prolific .....
Richard David Hames is a philosopher-activist, author, mentor and strategic foresight practitioner. .....
Bryan Dawe is one of Australia's finest political satirists and humourists and has enjoyed a long, .....
Maxine McKew was for many years a familiar face to ABC TV viewers and was anchor of prestigious .....