Linda Jakobson is an expert on China having lived in the country for 22 years and been a student of .....
Alastair Campbell is a writer, communicator and strategist best known for his role as former .....
Dr Keith Suter is one of Australia's most influential futurists and media commentators in local and .....
Geoffrey Robertson QC is an internationally respected human rights barrister, who has appeared as .....
Sigourney Weaver is an American actress probably best known for her critically acclaimed role of .....
Dr John Smith: Best-selling author, columnist and commentator. Keynote speaker, Anthropologist, .....
Sir Bob Geldof is an internationally acclaimed businessman, musician, humanitarian and political .....
Graeme Bowman is a multi-talented and highly versatile celebrity who can entertain, inspire and .....
Richard David Hames is a philosopher-activist, author, mentor and strategic foresight practitioner. .....
Australian writer, comedian and broadcaster who is best known for his work with The Chaser, for .....
Joe Hildebrand is a journalist and columnist for The Daily Telegraph, Sydney's biggest newspaper, .....
Following a decorated football career as Australia’s 419th Socceroo and 40th Captain, Craig .....
With a quick wit, sharp mind and a wealth of international political experience, the Honorable Joe .....
Nick Greiner was Premier and Treasurer of New South Wales from 1988 to 1992. His government was a .....
Graham ‘Richo' Richardson has a reputation as one of Australia's foremost political operators and .....
Dr John Hewson is one of Australia's most experienced economists, financial experts and company .....
The Honourable John Winston Howard served as the 25th Prime Minister of Australia from March 1996 .....
The Honourable Alexander Downer was the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Liberal Government from .....
'Whistleblower' Andrew Wilkie resigned from the Office of National Assessments (ONA) over the Iraq .....
The Hon Jeffrey Kennett AC was the Premier of Victoria from 1992-1999 and a Member of the Victorian .....
Professor Allan Snyder received the Marconi Prize - 'the world's foremost prize in communication .....
Tony Eastley is an award winning journalist and one of the ABC's most experienced and respected .....
Dr Sam Hay is a practicing Australian GP with an extraordinary medical experience, having commenced .....
Dr Ginni Mansberg is a practising GP with a particular interest in women's health, family health .....