Gabi Hollows is the public face of the Fred Hollows Foundation, an organisation formed to continue .....
Successful pharmaceutical scientist, inventor, philanthropist, businessman and founder and CEO of .....
Versatile performer Luke Escombe is an acclaimed singer-songwriter, comedian, raconteur and MC who .....
Dr Kerryn Phelps has changed the course of Australia's social and political history, having been a .....
Dr Norman Swan is a multi-award winning broadcaster, journalist and commentator. He is the host and .....
Dr Gael Jennings is a publicly recognised radio and television current affairs presenter and .....
Professor Ian Frazer, 2006 Australian of the Year, is highly regarded for his work in developing .....
Professor Peter Doherty shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology for Medicine in 1996 with Swiss .....
Wilson da Silva is the editor and co-founder of Cosmos, Australia's #1 science magazine. He has a .....
Multi award-winning architect and businessman Peter Maddison is the host of The Lifestyle Channel's .....
Georgie Dent knows what it is like to experience a total breakdown, then live through the long and .....
Lynne Malcolm finds the workings of the human mind incredibly fascinating. The presenter of the .....
Brad has had the unique opportunity to combine the personal outcome of a work place accident with .....
Dorinda Hafner is a whirlwind of exuberance, out-of-your-skin energy and an abundant wealth of .....
Anne Carey has put her life on the line to try to save the lives of others in some of recent .....
Dr Joe Kosterich is passionate about helping people to remain healthy rather than simply assisting .....
David Polson was one of the first 400 Australian men to be diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. That was back .....
Emma Murray is renowned as one of Australia’s leading high performance mind coaches & is the .....
LIFE-STUFF is a live, interactive presentation by accredited mental health social worker and .....
Aaron Williams is the CEO and co-founder of Mindstar (a national wellbeing and mental health .....
Chelsea Thomas has established herself as an influencer of women right around Australia. She is an .....
Robin Bailey is a high-profile Brisbane-based presenter with over 20 years' experience in radio, .....
Bridget Clinch is an expert in leadership and management, a former infantry officer with the .....
Effie Zahos is Australia's premier financial expert, renowned for her extensive experience and .....